English Grammar

Use of Yet, Still, Already and Just in English with Urdu Explanation

Yet Still Already Just Usage with Urdu Translation. Basic English Grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Pakistan

Understanding the correct use of “yet,” “still,” “already,” and “just” is essential for English learners, as these adverbs can be confusing. “Yet” is used in negative sentences and questions to talk about something that hasn’t happened but is expected. “Still” indicates that an action or situation continues to the present, often longer than expected. “Already” refers to something that has happened sooner than expected. “Just” signifies a very recent action. In this blog post, we’ll clarify their proper usage with Urdu explanations to enhance your understanding.

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  • Yet (ابھی تک)
  • Still (اب بھی)
  • Already (پہلے ہی)
  • Just (ابھی)

Use of Yet in English

“Yet” serves as both an adverb and a conjunction in English. As an adverb, it’s used in negative sentences and questions to indicate that something expected hasn’t happened up to now, often placed at the end of the sentence. For example, “She hasn’t finished her homework yet.” As a conjunction, “yet” connects two contrasting ideas, similar to “but,” showing an unexpected outcome. For instance, “He is wealthy, yet he lives a simple life.” Understanding these uses of “yet” helps in expressing time-related expectations and contrasting ideas effectively.

Example Sentences

English SentenceUrdu Translation
She hasn’t finished her work yet.وہ ابھی تک اپنا کام مکمل نہیں کر سکی۔
Have you met him yet?کیا آپ اس سے مل چکے ہیں؟
The package hasn’t arrived yet.پیکیج ابھی تک نہیں پہنچا۔
Is the movie over yet?کیا فلم ختم ہو چکی ہے؟
They haven’t decided on a date yet.انہوں نے ابھی تک تاریخ کا فیصلہ نہیں کیا۔
"Use of Yet, Still, Already, and Just in English with Urdu translations"
“Understanding the usage of ‘Yet’, ‘Still’, ‘Already’, and ‘Just’ in English, accompanied by their Urdu translations.”

Use of Still in English

“Still” is an adverb used to indicate that an action or situation continues up to the present time or longer than expected. It is placed before the main verb but after the verb “to be.” In negative sentences, “still” emphasizes that something expected to happen has not occurred.

Example Sentences

English SentenceUrdu Translation
He is still waiting for the bus.وہ ابھی بھی بس کا انتظار کر رہا ہے۔
She still lives with her parents.وہ ابھی بھی اپنے والدین کے ساتھ رہتی ہے۔
Do you still have my book?کیا آپ کے پاس ابھی بھی میری کتاب ہے؟
It’s still raining outside.باہر ابھی بھی بارش ہو رہی ہے۔
They are still working on the project.وہ ابھی بھی منصوبے پر کام کر رہے ہیں۔

Use of Already in English

“Already” is an adverb indicating that something has occurred before now or earlier than expected. It is commonly used in affirmative sentences and questions, often with the present perfect tense. In sentences, “already” typically appears between the auxiliary verb (have/has) and the past participle. In questions, it can express surprise about an action occurring sooner than anticipated. Understanding the use of “already” helps convey that actions are completed, often earlier than expected.

Example Sentences

English SentenceUrdu Translation
I’ve already eaten lunch.میں پہلے ہی دوپہر کا کھانا کھا چکا ہوں۔
She has already seen that movie.وہ پہلے ہی وہ فلم دیکھ چکی ہے۔
They’ve already left for the airport.وہ پہلے ہی ہوائی اڈے کے لیے روانہ ہو چکے ہیں۔
He has already finished his homework.اس نے پہلے ہی اپنا ہوم ورک مکمل کر لیا ہے۔
We’ve already discussed this topic.ہم پہلے ہی اس موضوع پر بات کر چکے ہیں۔

Use of Just in English

“Just” is an adverb with multiple meanings in English. It can indicate that something happened recently, as in “She has just arrived,” meaning she arrived a short time ago. “Just” can also mean “only” or “merely,” suggesting a limited amount or action, such as “I just need a minute,” implying only a minute is needed. Additionally, it can emphasize exactness, as in “That’s just what I wanted,” indicating something is exactly as desired. Understanding these uses of “just” helps convey nuances in timing, limitation, and precision in English communication.

English SentenceUrdu Translation
I’ve just finished my assignment.میں نے ابھی ابھی اپنا اسائنمنٹ مکمل کیا ہے۔
She just called me a minute ago.اس نے ابھی ابھی مجھے کال کی ہے۔
They just arrived at the station.وہ ابھی ابھی اسٹیشن پہنچے ہیں۔
He has just started his new job.اس نے ابھی ابھی اپنی نئی نوکری شروع کی ہے۔
We’ve just heard the news.ہم نے ابھی ابھی خبر سنی ہے۔

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