English Grammar

Use of Has, Have, Had with Urdu Translation

Use of Has, Have, Had with Urdu Translation - 50 Sentences of daily used for spoken English for beginners Download PDF free, Basic English lessons in Urdu, Spoken English lessons with Urdu meanings, English lessons for beginners in Urdu, English for basic level in Urdu, English Sentences in Urdu

In this lesson, you will learn how to use “has,” “have,” and “had” in different contexts, along with their Urdu translations. This is ideal for beginners wanting to improve their spoken English skills.

Has, Have, Had Video Lesson

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Introduction to Has, Have, and Had

 کو گزرے ہوئے زمانے کے لیے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے۔ “had” کو موجودہ زمانے میں ملکیت ، تعلق اور موجودگی کے لیے استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ جبکہ “has” اور “have”

  • Had is used to refer to past possession or presence.
  • Has and Have are used to indicate possession, relationship, or presence in the present.

Rules for Using Has, Have, Had

  • 1st Person Singular: “I” – have
  • 2nd Person Singular: “You” – have
  • 3rd Person Singular: “He, She, It” – has
  • 1st Person Plural: “We” – have
  • 2nd Person Plural: “You” – have
  • 3rd Person Plural: “They” – have
  • Singular Noun (Single Name):has

Use of Has, Have, Had with Urdu Translation

Example Sentences with Urdu Translations

Present Tense Examples

  1. She has a computer.
    اس کے پاس کمپیوٹر ہے۔
  2. She hasn’t a computer.
    اس کے پاس کمپیوٹر نہیں ہے۔
  3. You have much information.
    تم بہت معلومات رکھتے ہو۔
  4. Shazia has a small family.
    شازیہ ایک چھوٹا خاندان رکھتی ہے۔
  5. Sahar has a beautiful doll.
    سحر کے پاس خوبصورت گڑیا ہے۔
  6. We have a cat.
    ہمارے پاس بلی ہے۔
  7. They have flowers.
    ان کے پاس پھول ہیں۔
  8. Has she a new dress?
    کیا اس کے پاس نیا لباس ہے؟
  9. Have you a friend?
    کیا تمہارا دوست ہے؟
  10. Have I a friend?
    کیا میرا دوست ہے؟

Past Tense Examples

  1. Naveed had a horse.
    نوید کے پاس گھوڑا تھا۔
  2. They had two pens.
    ان کے پاس دو قلم تھے۔
  3. I had no hope of success.
    مجھے کامیابی کی کوئی امید نہیں تھی۔
  4. Had she four brothers?
    کیا اس عورت کے چار بھائی تھے؟
  5. Sadia had a book.
    سعدیہ کے پاس ایک کتاب تھی۔

Negative and Question Examples

  1. I have no peace of mind.
    مجھے ذہنی سکون نہیں۔
  2. They do not have money.
    ان کے پاس پیسے نہیں ہیں۔
  3. He had a sore throat.
    اس کا گلا خراب تھا۔
  4. You have no patience.
    تم میں صبر نہیں۔
  5. Does he have black hair?
    کیا اس کے بال سیاہ ہیں؟
  6. Has the cow two horns?
    کیا گائے کے دو سینگ ہوتے ہیں؟

Additional Examples

  1. Birds have wings.
    پرندوں کے پر ہوتے ہیں۔
  2. Nobody has books.
    کسی کے پاس کتابیں نہیں ہیں۔
  3. The cow has a tail.
    گائے کی ایک دُم ہوتی ہے۔
  4. She has fever.
    اسے بخار ہے۔
  5. They have horses.
    ان کے پاس گھوڑے ہیں۔

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This PDF includes all 50 sentences along with their Urdu translations, perfect for daily practice for beginners.

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