Use of CAN and Could in Urdu Examples PDF This basic English Grammar in Urdu lesson is about learning Use of Can and Could with Urdu translation and example sentences. English Grammar in Urdu examples, English speaking course in Urdu

Use of CAN:
There are three main uses of Can:
- Ability (صلاحیت (2) possibility) (امکان 3) permission (اجازت).
However there are some other used of Can as we will see below.
- To express ability
صلاحیت کا اظہار کرنے کے لیے
Can means to be (physically) able to do something and know how to do something.
Birds can fly.
Elephants can’t fly.
I can speak two languages.
- To express a possibility (in general)
امکان ظاہر کرنے کے لیے۔
This refers to a theoretical possibility.
Note: we don’t use can to talk about future possibilities. For this you would use may or might.
It can get cold there at night so take a jacket.
I know you can win the competition.
Well, I think your car can be repaired, but it’s not going to be cheap.
- To offer to do something for others
کسی کے لیے کچھ کرنے کی آفر پیش کرنے کے لیے
Can is used when you offer to help someone or to do something for them.
I can take you home if you like.
Can I carry your bags for you?
- To ask for or give permission / to request something
اجازت لینے یا دینے کے لیے اور التجا کرنے کے لیے
Can is used to ask for / request permission or to give permission.
Note: Can’t is used to refuse permission.
You can use my umbrella, I don’t need it right now.
Can I sit in that chair please?
Ali, you can play outside if you like.
Can I ask you a question?
You can’t go to the park. It will still be wet from the rain last night.
We can’t leave the room until the assignment is completed.
- Can’t: Something that is forbidden or not allowed
اگر کسی کام سے روکا یا منع کیا گیا ہو
You can’t drive fast on motorways.
You can’t smoke in the restaurant.
You cannot drive a car without a license.
- Can’t: when you are sure that something isn’t true
جب آپکو یقین ہو کہ یہ صحیح نہیں ہے
It can’t be dark outside! It’s only 4:30 pm!
They can’t have landed on the moon, I’m sure it’s a hoax.
Use of Could:
- Could is used to express Past Ability:
ماضی کی صلاحیت کے لیے
He could play football well when he was a kid.
We could not (couldn’t) get a job at those times.
2.Could is used to express Past Possibility:
ماضی میں امکان کے لیے
A lot of crime could be prevented.
This new method could be an important step in success.
3. It is used for more formal and polite Permission than “CAN”
(اجازت لینے لے لیے(نرمی سے
Could I take your book, please?
Could I please use your computer?
4. COULD” is used as a more formal and polite form of “CAN”. (Polite Request)
درخواست کے لیے
Could you lend me this book?
Could you tell me where the post office is, please?