English to Urdu Vocabulary

Time Expressions in English with Urdu Meanings

Time Expressions in English with Urdu Meanings learn time vocabulary and expressions for telling time moments in past tense, present tense and future tense with Urdu translation for improving your English speaking. These time expressions will help you to explain different types of time phases in English.

Time Expressions in English with Urdu Meanings learn time vocabulary and expressions for telling time moments in past tense, present tense and future tense with Urdu translation for improving your English speaking. These time expressions will help you to explain different types of time phases in English.

Using Time Expressions in PAST Tense

Yesterday کل
Last week پچھلا ہفتہ
Last month پچھلے مہینے
Last year آخری سال
A little while ago تھوڑی دیر پہلے
An hour ago ایک گھنٹے پہلے
This morning آج صبح
In the past ماضی میں
A long times ago بہت پہلے
The day before yesterday پرسوں(گزرا ہوا)
Recently حال ہی میں
In 1989   میں1989
When I was born جب میں پیدا ہوا
One week ago ایک ہفتہ قبل

Using Time Expressions in PRESENT Tense

Today آج
This week اس ہفتے
This month اس مہینے
This year اس سال
At the moment فی الحال
Now ابھی
At this time اس وقت
Nowadays آج کل
These days ان دنوں
Right now ابھی
As we speak جیسا کہ ہم بولتے ہیں

Using Time Expressions in FUTURE Tense

Tomorrow کل
Next week اگلے ہفتے
Next month اگلے مہینے
Next year اگلے سال
In an hour ایک گھنٹے میں
Soon جلدی
In the near future مستقبل قریب میں
Later this evening بعد ازاں آج شام
In the future مستقبل میں
Way off in the future مستقبل میں راستہ بند ہے
The day after tomorrow پرسوں(آنے والا)
Eventually آخر کار