English Grammar Tenses in Urdu

12 Tenses in Urdu with Examples Download PDF

12 Tenses in Urdu with Examples Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF, present indefinite tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, Past indefinite tense, Past continuous tense, Past perfect tense, Past perfect continuous tense, Future indefinite tense, Future continuous tense, Verbs forms usage with Examples, Use of First form of Verb, Use of Second form of Verb, Use of Third form of Verb, Use of ing form of verb

12 Tenses in Urdu with Examples Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu Download PDF learn all tenses ( present indefinite tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, Past indefinite tense, Past continuous tense, Past perfect tense, Past perfect continuous tense, Future indefinite tense, Future continuous tense) with their Urdu translation and examples of daily used sentences. in this lesson you will also learn how to use all the forms of verbs in English.

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1st Form of Verb (ورب کی پہلی فارم)

1st Form Present indefinite tense

He takes exercise.

وہ ورزش کرتا ہے

He does not take exercise.

وہ ورزش نہیں کرتا ہے

Does he take exercise?

کیا وہ ورزش کرتا ہے؟

1st Form





Past indefinite tense

He did not take exercise.

اس نے ورزش نہیں کی

Did he take exercise?

کیا اس نے ورزش کی؟

1st Form








Future indefinite tense

He will take exercise.

وہ ورزش کرے گا

He will not take exercise.

وہ ورزش نہیں کرے گا

will he take exercise?

کیا وہ ورزش کرے گا؟


2nd Form of Verb (ورب کی دوسری فارم)

2nd Form








Past indefinite tense

He took exercise.

اس نے ورزش کی۔

He went to Lahore.

وہ لاہور گیا۔

She wrote a letter.

اس نے خط لکھا


3rd. Form of Verb (ورب کی تیسری فارم)

3rd. Form








Present Perfect Tense

He has taken exercise.

اس نے ورزش کرلی ہے  

He has not taken exercise.

اس نے ورزش نہیں کی ہے

Has he  taken exercise.

کیا اس نے ورزش کرلی ہے؟

3rd. Form








Past Perfect Tense

He had taken exercise.

اس نے ورزش کرلی تھی  

He had not taken exercise.

اس نے ورزش نہیں کی تھی

Had he  taken exercise?

کیا اس نے ورزش کرلی تھی؟

3rd. Form








Future Perfect Tense

He will have taken exercise.

وہ ورزش کر چکا ہوگا

He will not have taken exercise.

وہ ورزش  نہیں کر چکا ہوگا

Will he have  taken exercise?

کیا وہ ورزش کر چکا ہوگا؟


4th Form of Verb (ورب کی چوتھی فارم)

4th Form








Present Continuous Tense

He is taking exercise.

وہ ورزش کر رہا ہے

He is not taking exercise.

وہ ورزش نہیں کر رہا ہے

Is he taking exercise?

وہ ورزش کر رہا ہے؟ کیا

4th Form








Past Continuous Tense

He was taking exercise.

وہ ورزش کر رہا تھا

He was not taking exercise.

وہ ورزش نہیں کر رہا تھا

Was he taking exercise?

وہ ورزش کر رہا تھا؟ کیا

4th Form








Past Continuous Tense

He will be taking exercise.

وہ ورزش کر رہا  ہوگا 

He will not be taking exercise.

وہ ورزش نہیں کر رہا  ہوگا

Will he be taking exercise?

 کیا وہ ورزش کر رہا  ہوگا؟

4th Form








Present Perfect Continuous Tense

He has been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا ہے 

He has not been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش نہیں کر رہا ہے

Has he been taking exercise for an hour?

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا ہے؟ کیا

4th Form








Present Perfect Continuous Tense

He had been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا تھا 

He had not been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش نہیں کر رہا تھا 

Had he been taking exercise for an hour?

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا تھا؟ کیا

4th Form








Future Perfect Continuous Tense

He will have been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا ہوگا

He will not have been taking exercise for an hour.

وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش نہیں کر رہا ہوگا

will he have been taking exercise for an hour?

 کیا وہ ایک گھنٹے سے ورزش کر رہا ہوگا؟

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