English Grammar

Use of Since and For in English with Urdu Translation

Use of since, Use of for, Since vs for, Basic Grammar in Urdu, English Grammar, Spoken English Course, English through Urdu

Understanding the correct use of “since” and “for” is essential for English learners, especially when expressing time in sentences. Misusing these terms can lead to confusion and miscommunication. “Since” refers to a specific starting point in time, indicating when an action began, while “for” denotes the duration of an action. In this blog post, we’ll clarify their proper usage with Urdu translations to enhance your comprehension. To further improve your grammar skills, explore our comprehensive resources on grammar.

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Use of Since

“Since” is used to indicate the starting point of an action that continues up to the present. It specifies when something began. For example, “I have lived here since 2010” means the person started living here in 2010 and still does. “Since” is commonly used with the present perfect tense. Additionally, “since” can mean “because.” For instance, “Since it’s raining, we’ll stay indoors” explains the reason for staying inside.

It is used for “point of time“.

وقت کے تعین کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ since

دوپہر، شام، صبح،رات، کسی دن کا نام، مہینے کا نام ،گھڑی کا وقت، اور تاریخ وغیرہ کے لیے۔

Example Sentences

English SentenceUrdu Translation
He has been living in England since his birth.وُہ اپنی پیدائش کے وقت ہی سے انگلینڈ میں رہ رہا ہے۔
He has been in the hospital for almost a month.وُہ تقریباً ایک ماہ سے ہسپتال میں ہے۔
He has been reading for two hours.وہ دو گھنٹے سے پڑھ رہا ہے۔
It has been raining since morning.صبح سے بارش ہو رہی ہے۔
I have been waiting for you for three hours.میں تین گھنٹے سے تمہارا انتظار کر رہا ہوں۔
Nadia has not been preparing for F.A for one year.نادیہ ایک سال سے ایف اے کی تیاری نہیں کر رہی ہے۔
Zafar has not been waiting for her since morning.ظفر صبح سے اس کا انتظار نہیں کر رہا ہے۔
Has he been going there since last year?کیا وہ پچھلے سال سے وہاں جا رہا ہے؟
Have I been working hard for two years?کیا میں دو سال سے سخت محنت کر رہا ہوں؟

Use of Since and For in English with Urdu Translation

Use of For

“For” is a versatile word in English, primarily used as a preposition. It often indicates the duration of an action, such as “I studied for two hours,” meaning the studying lasted two hours. Additionally, “for” can express purpose or reason, like “This gift is for you,” showing the intended recipient. Understanding the various uses of “for” enhances clarity in communication.

It is used for “period of time“.

جب عرصہ یا مدت ظاہر کرنا ہو۔

دس منٹ، دو گھنٹے، سات دن ،تین ہفتے، پندرہ برس وغیرہ۔

Example Sentences

English SentenceUrdu Translation
She has been sick for three days.وُہ تین روز سے بیمار ہے۔
She has been unwell since Wednesday.وُہ بدھ سے بیمار ہے۔
We have been living here for three years.ہم تین سال سے یہاں رہ رہے ہیں۔
We have been living here since 1998.ہم 1998 سے یہاں رہ رہے ہیں۔
I have not seen him for several days.میں نے کئی روز سے اُسے نہیں دیکھا ہے۔

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