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Rapidex English Speaking Course PDF Book in Hindi Download

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Rapidex English Speaking Course Book PDF in Hindi Download get Spoken English Course in Hindi for free if you want to improve your English Speaking your own download this useful PDF Book free. Importance of this book cannot be denied if your are a real English aspirant.

Rapidex English Speaking Course is a very useful English book made for non-native English speakers and is a guideline for people to communicate in English properly. It is a motivation for individuals who want to speak English fluently and fast those who do not understand anyone while speaking English and is familiar with the grammar and rules, and he / she yet not speak this publication is for people who converse in Hindi on a daily basis.

Table of Contents

  1. Sentences of greetings
  2. Good manners in English
  3. Some polite phrases
  4. Exclamations
  5. Phrases
  6. Sentences of command or order
  7. Present tense
  8. Past tense
  9. Future tense
  10. Some important helping verbs
  11. Sentences of order and request
  12. Vowels and consonants
  13. English pronunciation
  14. Consonants
  15. Silent letters in words
  16. Use of what, who and how
  17. Use of which, when, where and why
  18. Negative sentences
  19. Use of different prepositions
  20. Active voice and passive voice
  21. Transformation of sentences
  22. Countable and uncountable nouns
  23. Idiomatic sentences
  24. Conversation on different topics
  25. Vocabulary on different topics
  26. Classified Vocabulary
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