Present Indefinite Tense in Urdu and Hindi with PDF Present Simple Tense with Urdu Sentences – Uses PDF Present Indefinite Tense with Uses and rules, Present Indefinite Tense definition and formulas, Formation of simple, Negative and interrogative sentences using Present Indefinite Tense.
Learn Simple Present Tense Example Sentences here and improve your understanding of the Present tense.

فعل حال مطلق :پہچان اردو فقرات کے آخر میں تا ہے،تی ہے، تے ہیں، تا ہوں آتے ہیں۔ |
It Is Used for
- Habits – عادات
- Universal / general truth – حقائق
- Repeated action – ہر روز کے کام
Subject | Main verb | Object |
I | 1st form of verb (or base verb) | Object |
we | 1st form of verb (or base verb) | Object |
you | 1st form of verb (or base verb) | Object |
he/she/it/Azhar | 1st form of verb (or base verb)+ S/ es | Object |
they/boys | 1st form of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Examples with Urdu:
I go to bazaar.
میں بازار جاتا ہوں |
He goes to school.
وہ سکول جاتا ہے |
She washes the clothes.
وہ کپڑے دھوتی ہے |
You play cricket.
تم کرکٹ کھیلتے ہو |
We sing a song.
ہم گانا ھاتے ہیں |
They like apples.
وہ سیب پسند کرتے ہیں |
The farmers plough.
کسان ہل چلاتے ہیں |
The birds fly in the air.
پرندے ہوا میں اڑتے ہیں |
Subject | auxiliary verb +NOT | Main verb | object |
I | Do not | 1st form of verb (or base form) | object |
we | Do not | 1st form of verb (or base form) | object |
you | Do not | 1st form of verb (or base form) | object |
he/she/it/Ram | Does not | 1st form of verb (or base form) | object |
they/boys | Do not | 1st form of verb (or base form) | object |
Examples with Urdu:
He does not go to school.
وہ سکول نہیں جاتا |
She does not make tea.
وہ چائے نہیں بناتی |
It does not rain.
بارش نہیں ہوتی |
Naveed does not play cricket.
نوید کرکٹ نہیں کھیلتا |
I do not like apples.
میں سیب نہیں پسند کرتا |
You do not work.
تم کام نہیں کرتے |
They do not play hockey.
وہ ہاکی نہیں کھیلتے |
We do not tell a lie.
ہم جھوٹ نہیں بولتے |
Auxiliary verb | Subject | Main verb | Object |
Do/Does | Subject | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Do | I | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Do | we | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Do | you | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Does | he / she /it / Ram | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Do | they / boys | 1st for of verb (or base verb) | Object |
Examples with Urdu:
Does he go to school?
کیا وہ سکول جاتا ہے؟ |
Does she sing a song?
کیا وہ گانا گاتی ہے؟ |
Does Ali make a noise?
کیا علی شور کرتا ہے؟ |
Do they obey their parents?
کیا وہ اپنے والدین کا حکم مانتے ہیں؟ |
Do you work hard?
کیا تم محنت کرتے ہو؟ |
Do we study?
کیا ہم مطالعہ کرتے ہیں؟ |
Do the dogs not bark?
کیا کتے نہیں بھونکتے ہیں؟ |
Do I not go for a walk?
کیا میں سیر کو نہیں جاتا ہوں؟ |
Interrogative + Negative Sentences(سوالیہ اور منفی):
Auxiliary verb | Subject | Not+ Main verb | Object |
Do/Does | Subject | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Do | I | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Do | we | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Do | you | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Does | he / she /it / Ram | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Do | they / boys | Not+ 1st for of verb | Object |
Examples with Urdu:
Do they not play together?
کیاوہ ایک ساتھ نہیں کھیلتے ہے؟ |
Do you not earn money?
کیاآپ پیسے نہیں کماتے ہے؟ |
Do we not drive a car?
کیاہم کارنیہں چلاتے ہے ؟ |
Do I not speak English?
کیامیں انگلش نہیں بولتا ہوں؟ |
Does she not ride a bike?
کیاوہ موٹرسائکل نہیں چلاتی ہے؟ |
Does Ahsan khan not teach in University?
کیااحسان خان یونیورسٹی میں پڑھاتا ہے؟ |