Tenses in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu with Examples PDF

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu with Examples PDF

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and Hindi with examples of daily use sentences PDF learn Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu and Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu

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اردو فقرات کے آخر میں رہا ہے،رہی ہے، رہے ہیں، رہا ہوں آتے ہیں۔


It Is Used for

  • Action happening now –ابھی جو کام جاری ہے
  • Future planned action – مستقبل میں سوچا ہوا کام



Subject Main verb Object
I am + verb + ing Object
we are + verb + ing Object
you are + verb + ing Object
he/she/it/Azhar is + verb + ing Object
they/boys are + verb + ing Object

Examples with Urdu

I am going to office.

میں آفس جا رہا ہوں

She is making tea.

وہ چائے بنا رہی ہے

It is raining outside.

باہر بارش ہو رہی ہے

They are playing football.

وہ فٹ بال کھیل رہے ہیں

We are waiting for him.

ہم اسکا انتظار کر رہے ہیں

I am leaving this city.

میں یہ شہر چھوڑ رہا ہوں

Farhat is going to bazar.

فرحت بازار جا رہی ہے

Children are watching T.V.

بچے ٹی وی دیکھ رہے ہیں


Subject Main verb Object
I am + not + verb + ing Object
we are + not + verb + ing Object
you are + not + verb + ing Object
he/she/it/Azhar is + not + verb + ing Object
they/boys are+ not + verb + ing Object

Examples with Urdu

He is not going to school.

وہ سکول نہیں جا رہا ہے

She is not sewing the clothes.

وہ کپڑے نہیں سی رہی ہے

It is not raining.

بارش نہیں ہو رہی ہے

Ali is not flying the kites.

علی پتنگ نہیں اڑا رہا ہے

I am not telling a lie.

میں جھوٹ نہیں بول رہا ہوں

Stars are not shining.

ستارے نہیں چمک رہے ہیں

We are not making a noise.

ہم شور نہیں مچا رہے ہیں

They are not listening to the radio.

وہ ریڑیو نہیں سن رہے ہیں


helping Verb Subject Main verb Object
am I verb + ing Object
are we verb + ing Object
are you verb + ing Object
is he/she/it/Azhar verb + ing Object
are they/boys verb + ing Object

Examples with Urdu

Is he reading the newspaper?

کیا وہ اخبار پڑھ رہا ہے؟

Is she watching T.V?

کیا وہ ٹی وی دیکھ رہی ہے؟

Is it raining?

کیا بارش ہو رہی ہے؟

Is the sun rising?

کیا سورج نکل رہا ہے؟

Are you helping her?

کیا آپ اس کی مدد کر رہے ہیں؟

Are they working hard?

کیا وہ محنت کر رہے ہیں؟

Are you feeling cold?

کیا تمہیں سردی لگ رہی ہے؟

Are we buying a new house?

کیا ہم نیا گھر خرید رہے ہیں؟

 interrogative & Negative Sentences –سوالیہ اور منفی   

Helpingverb Subject Not+ Main verb +ing Object
Is/am/are  Subject Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object
am I Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object
are we Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object
are you Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object
is he / she /it / Ali Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object
are they / boys Not+ 1st for of verb +ing Object

Examples with Urdu

Are they not playing together?

کیاوہ ایک ساتھ نہیں کھیل رہےہیں؟

Are you not earning money?

کیاآپ پیسے نہیں کما رہے ہیں؟

Is she not riding a bike?

کیاوہ موٹرسائکل نہیں چلا رہی ہے؟

Is Ahsan not teaching in University?

کیااحسان یونیورسٹی میں  نہیں پڑھا رہا ہے؟

Am I not speaking English?

کیامیں انگلش نہیں بول رہا ہوں؟

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Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu

Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi with PDF & Video Present Continuous Tense with Uses and rules Present Continuous Tense in Urdu & Hindi Present Continuous Tense examples Tenses in Urdu Tenses in Hindi Learn 12 Tenses in Urdu PDF English tenses table in Urdu PDF learn English verb tenses in Urdu, English grammar in Urdu, Spoken English Course in Urdu, Download tenses PDF Book, Tenses book in Urdu and Hindi, Tenses in Urdu, 12 Tenses in Urdu, Tenses complete book in Urdu