Understanding body parts in English is essential for daily conversations, medical discussions, and personal care. Many learners struggle to remember these words, especially with their Urdu meanings. Learning the correct terms helps in communication, whether visiting a doctor or describing pain. In this blog post, we provide a clear list of body parts with accurate Urdu translations, making it easier to build vocabulary. Expand your knowledge and improve your speaking skills by exploring more in our English to Urdu vocabulary.
Parts of Body
English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Armpit | بغل | He felt a tickle in his armpit. |
Arm | بازو | She raised her arm to ask a question. |
Shoulder | کندھا | He carried the bag on his shoulder. |
Neck | گردن | She wore a necklace around her neck. |
Chin | ٹھوڑی | He rested his chin on his hand. |
Jaw | جبڑا | She clenched her jaw in anger. |
Mustache | مونچھ | He trimmed his mustache regularly. |
Ear | کان | She whispered into his ear. |
Eardrum | کان کا پردہ | Loud noises can damage the eardrum. |

English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Throat | گلا | He cleared his throat before speaking. |
Gums | مسوڑے | Healthy gums are essential for strong teeth. |
Palate | تالو | The chef prepared a dish to delight the palate. |
Tongue | زبان | She bit her tongue accidentally. |
Grinder | داڑھ | He had a cavity in his grinder tooth. |
Perspiration | پسینہ | After the run, perspiration covered his forehead. |
Dung | فضلہ | Farmers use cow dung as fertilizer. |
Nerve | نس | He felt a sharp pain in his nerve. |
Pulse | نبز | The doctor checked his pulse. |
Marrow | گودہ | Bone marrow is vital for producing blood cells. |
Vein | رگ | The nurse found a vein to draw blood. |
Skin | کھال | She applied lotion to her dry skin. |
Bone | ہڈی | He fractured a bone in his arm. |
Breath | سانس | Take a deep breath and relax. |
Sweat | پسینہ | Sweat dripped from his brow during the workout. |
Urine | پیشاب | The lab tested a sample of his urine. |
Flesh | گوشت | The knife cut through the flesh easily. |
Blood | خون | Donating blood can save lives. |
Teeth | دانت | She brushes her teeth twice daily. |
Ear-wax | کان کا میل | Excess ear-wax can affect hearing. |

English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Bone | ہڈی | He fractured a bone in his leg. |
Breath | سانس | Take a deep breath before diving. |
Sweat | پسینہ | Sweat trickled down his face after the run. |
Urine | پیشاب | The doctor analyzed his urine sample. |
Flesh | گوشت | The knife cut through the flesh easily. |
Blood | خون | Blood donors are always needed. |
Teeth | دانت | She has white, straight teeth. |
Ear-wax | کان کا میل | Excess ear-wax can cause hearing problems. |
Hand | ہاتھ | He waved his hand to say hello. |
Palm | ہتھیلی | She read the lines on his palm. |
Finger | انگلی | She wore a ring on her finger. |
Fore-finger | چھنگلی | He pointed with his fore-finger. |

English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Lungs | پھیپھڑے | Smoking can harm your lungs. |
Intestines | آنتیں | The intestines play a vital role in digestion. |
Spleen | تلی | An enlarged spleen can indicate an infection. |
Kidneys | گردے | Drinking water helps keep your kidneys healthy. |
Waist | کمر | She tied a belt around her waist. |
Joint | جوڑ | Knee pain is often due to joint issues. |
Head | سر | He nodded his head in agreement. |
Skull | کھوپڑی | The skull protects the brain. |
Brain | دماغ | Puzzles can stimulate the brain. |
Forehead | ماتھا | She wiped sweat from her forehead. |
Temple | کنپٹی | He massaged his temple to relieve the headache. |

English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Lip | ہونٹ | She applied lipstick to her lips. |
Mouth | منہ | He opened his mouth to speak. |
Cheek | رخسار | A tear rolled down her cheek. |
Bridge of the nose | ناک کا بانسہ | He adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. |
Nostril | نتھنے | She flared her nostrils in anger. |
Nose | ناک | He has a sharp nose. |
Pupil | آنکھ کی پتلی | The doctor examined her pupils. |
Eyebrow | بھویں | She raised an eyebrow in surprise. |
Eyeball | ڈیلا | The eyeball is essential for vision. |
Eyelash | پلک | She has long eyelashes. |
Eyelid | پپوٹا | His eyelids felt heavy with sleep. |
Eye | آنکھ | She has blue eyes. |
Beard | داڑھی | He decided to grow a beard. |
Rib | پسلی | He injured a rib during the game. |
Wrist | کلائی | She wore a bracelet on her wrist. |
Forearm | بازو کا اگلہ حصہ | His forearm muscles are strong. |
Breast | چھاتی (عورت کی) | She felt a lump in her breast. |
Chest | مرد کی چھاتی | He puffed out his chest with pride. |
Backbone | ریڑھ کی ہڈی | The backbone supports the body. |
Skin | جلد | Her skin is very sensitive. |
Calf | پنڈلی | He felt a cramp in his calf. |
Leg | ٹانگ | She crossed her legs while sitting. |
Knee | گھٹنا | He scraped his knee when he fell. |
Thigh | ران | She felt pain in her thigh after the workout. |

English | Urdu Translation | Example Sentence |
Liver | جگر | Excessive alcohol consumption can damage the liver. |
Stomach | معدہ | She felt a pain in her stomach after eating. |
Belly | پیٹ | The baby has a round belly. |
Nail | ناخن | She painted her nails red. |
Sole | پاؤں کا تلا | He felt a pebble under the sole of his foot. |
Toe | پاؤں کا پنجہ | He stubbed his toe on the table leg. |
Ankle | ٹخنہ | She twisted her ankle while jogging. |
Heel | ایڑی | The shoe rubbed against his heel. |
Foot | پاؤں | She injured her foot during the hike. |
Hair | بال | He combed his hair neatly. |
Thumb | انگوٹھا | She gave a thumbs-up sign. |
Braid | چٹیا | She wore her hair in a long braid. |
Lock | لِٹ | A lock of hair fell over her eyes. |
Gland | غدود | The doctor examined his swollen glands. |
Windpipe | نرخرا | Food went down his windpipe, causing him to cough. |
Nape | گردن کا عقب | He felt a chill at the nape of his neck. |
Clavicle | ہنسلی | She fractured her clavicle in the accident. |
Elbow | کہنی | He rested his elbows on the table. |
Trachea | ہوا کی نالی | The trachea connects the throat to the lungs. |
Navel | ناف | He has a small scar near his navel. |
Esophagus | خوراک کی نالی | The esophagus carries food to the stomach. |
Bosom | پستان | She held the child to her bosom. |
Penis | عضو تناسل، قضیب | The doctor discussed male reproductive health, including the penis. |
Testicle | فوطہ، بیضہ | Testicles produce sperm in males. |
Parting | مانگ | She changed the parting of her hair. |
Saliva | رال | Saliva aids in digestion. |
Spittle | تھوک | He wiped spittle from his chin. |
Phlegm | بلغم | He cleared phlegm from his throat. |
Sperm | منی | Sperm is essential for reproduction. |
Constitution | کاٹھی | He has a strong constitution. |
Complexion | چہرے کا رنگ | She has a fair complexion. |
Vagina | فرج | The doctor explained the anatomy of the vagina. |
Womb | رحم، بچہ دان | The baby develops in the womb. |
Rump | کولہا | He sat down on his rump. |
Buttocks | پیٹھ، چوتڑ | Prolonged sitting can cause sore buttocks. |
Gallbladder | پِتہ | She had her gallbladder removed. |
Pancreas | لبلبہ | The pancreas produces insulin. |
Anus | مقعد | The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive tract. |
Tripe | اوجھری | Tripe is a type of edible offal from the stomachs of various farm animals. |
Bladder | مثانہ | The bladder stores urine. |
Groin | جنگھاسا | He pulled a muscle in his groin. |
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