Other Ways to Say

Other ways to Say I THINK in English with Urdu Meanings

other ways to say i think with Urdu meanings and Sentences

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Other Ways to Say I think Urdu Meanings Use in a Sentence
I reckon… میرا خیال ہے۔۔۔ I reckon they would prefer this menu.
In my view… میرے خیال میں۔۔۔ In my view, we should use the bypass.
If you ask me… اگر مجھ سے پوچھو تو۔۔۔ If you ask me, Iphone’s camera result is better.
To my mind… میرے خیال کے مطابق۔۔۔ To my mind, inflation is the biggest issue today.
as far as I am concerned جہاں تک میرا تعلق ہے As far as I am concerned, your wife incited the matter.
The way I see things… میرے نقطہ نظر سے۔۔۔ The way I see it, it was a fair trade.
It seems to me that… مجھے لگتا ہے کہ۔۔۔ It seems to me that this is a cheap solution.
I believe… میرا ماننا ہے۔۔۔ I believe this is the best phone you should buy at this price.
I would say… میں تو کہوں گا۔۔۔ I would say, this is the best tour of our life.
To me… میرے مطابق۔۔۔ میرے خیال سے To me, we should take another route.
From my point of view… میرے نقطہ نظر سے۔۔۔ From my point of view, nine-thirty would be better than nine o’clock.
Honestly speaking… بالکل سچ بتا رہا ہوں۔۔۔ Honestly speaking, I am totally satisfied with his performance.
Personally speaking… ذاتی طور کہوں تو۔۔۔ Personally speaking, I think the show is going to be a great success.
Other ways and Synonyms of I think with Urdu Translation

Other ways and Synonyms I think with Urdu Translation

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