English to Urdu Vocabulary

Names of Days and Months in English and Urdu

Names of Days and Months in English with Urdu Meanings

Knowing the days and months in English and Urdu is essential for daily conversations, scheduling, and understanding dates. Many learners struggle to remember these words, especially when switching between languages. In this blog post, you’ll find a simple and clear guide to learning the names of all days and months with their Urdu translations. Mastering these terms will improve your communication and confidence.

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Names of Days and Months Video Lesson

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Names of Days and Months in English

عام طور پر ہم اس طرح سے دنوں کے نام پوچھتے ہیں جیسا کہ آج کیا دن ہےیا کل کیا دن تھا؟

“Generally, we ask the names of the days like ‘What day is it today?’ or ‘What day was it yesterday?’ we use the sentences given below for asking about the ” day “.

  • What day is today?

آج کونسا دن ہے؟

  • What day was yesterday?

کل کیا دن تھا؟

  • What day will be tomorrow?

کل (آنے والا) کیا دن ہوگا؟

Names of Days in English

Names of Days” means the names we use for each day of the week, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Knowing these names helps us talk about our plans and organize our daily activities better.

MondayپیرPeerI have a meeting on Monday.
TuesdayمنگلMangalWe will go shopping on Tuesday.
WednesdayبدھBudhWednesday is the middle of the week.
ThursdayجمعراتJumaraatI like to cook on Thursday.
FridayجمعہJumaaFriday is my favorite day.
SaturdayہفتہHaftaaSaturday is perfect for relaxation.
SundayاتوارItwaarWe usually visit family on Sunday.

Names of Months in English

“Names of Months” refers to the names we use for each month in a year, such as January, February, and March. Learning these names helps us keep track of time, plan events, and celebrate special occasions throughout the year.

JanuaryجنوریJanuary is cold.
FebruaryفروریFebruary has 28 days.
MarchمارچMarch brings spring.
AprilاپریلApril has many flowers.
MayمئیMay is warm.
JuneجونJune is a summer month.
JulyجولائیJuly is very hot.
AugustاگستAugust is for vacations.
SeptemberستمبرSeptember starts school.
OctoberاکتوبرOctober has Halloween.
NovemberنومبرNovember is for Thanksgiving.
DecemberدسمبرDecember is for holidays.

Names of Islamic Months

“Names of Islamic Months” are the names given to each month in the Islamic calendar, like Muharram, Ramadan, and Shawwal. These months are important for Muslims, as they mark significant religious events and practices throughout the year.

MuharramمحرمMuharram is the first month of the year.
SafarصفرSafar follows Muharram in the calendar.
Rabi-Ul-Awaalربيع الاوّلRabi-Ul-Awaal celebrates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
Rabi-Ul-Saniر بیع الثانیRabi-Ul-Sani is the second month of Rabi.
Jimadi-Ul-Awwalجمادی الاوّلJimadi-Ul-Awwal is a month of winter.
Jimaadi-Ul-Saaniجمادی الثانیJimaadi-Ul-Saani comes after Jimadi-Ul-Awwal.
RajabرجبRajab is one of the four sacred months.
Shaa`baanشعبانShaa`baan is a month of preparation for Ramadan.
RamzaanرمضانRamzaan is the month of fasting.
ShawaalشوالShawaal follows the month of Ramadan.
Zil` QaadaذوالقعدہZil Qaada is the month before Zil Hij-jah.
Zil` Hij-jahذوالحجۃZil` Hij-jah is the month of Hajj.

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