Spoken English

How to Speak English Faster Like a Native

How to Speak English Faster Like a Native

Speaking English faster like a native speaker requires mastering pronunciation, rhythm, and connected speech. Many learners struggle with slow speech, hesitation, and unnatural pauses, making conversations difficult. In this blog post, you will learn effective techniques to improve fluency, reduce translation time, and develop a natural speaking style. By practicing commonly used phrases, linking words, and improving listening skills, you can enhance your speaking speed. To refine your grammar and sentence structure, visit our grammar section.

SentenceSpeak FasterUse in a Sentence
Gonna (going to)گَناعI’m gonna talk to him.
Gotta (got to)گَٹاءI’ve gotta go.
Wanna (want to)واناءI wanna marry you.
Lemme (let me)لَیمِیLemme go.
Gimme (give me)گِمیGimme a break.
Outta (Out of)اؤٹاءGet outta here!
Wadyu (what do you)وَڈیُوWadyu do here?
Dunno (Don’t know)ڈونوءI dunno about him.
Hafta (Have to)ہَیفٹاءI hafta talk to her.
C’mon (come on)کھمنC’mon man!
Cuz (because)کَزCuz I don’t know her.
S’more (Some more)سَمورS’more please!
Diju (Did you)ڈِجُوDid you invite her?
Gotcha (Got you)گَوچاءGotcha!
Doncha (Don’t you)ڈَونچوDonchu want to marry?


Speak English Faster Like a native - Informal Contractions
Speak English Faster Like a native – Informal Contractions

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