English to Urdu Vocabulary

Household Chores Vocabulary in English with Urdu

Household Chores Vocabulary List in English with Urdu download PDF Book learn useful daily household verbs and chores with example sentence and meanings with Urdu / Hindi.

Household Chores Vocabulary List in English with Urdu download PDF Book learn useful daily household verbs and chores with example sentence and meanings with Urdu / Hindi.

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Wash dishes – برتن دھونا
Ambreen washes dishes twice a day.


Fold – تہہ کرنا
Will you help me fold up the clothes?


Iron – استری کرنا
I can’t be bothered to iron my clothes.


Hang – لٹکانا
Please help me to hang this picture.


Dry – خشک کرنا
Ali dried his face with a towel.


Make (the bed) – بستر لگانا
Make the bed properly before sleeping.


Change (the sheets) – (چادریں (تبدیل کرنا
We should change the sheets once a week.


Vacuum –  مٹی صاف کرنا
Ahmad was vacuuming the carpet.


Take out (the rubbish/ garbage) – (باہر نکالنا (کوڑا کرکٹ / کچرا
It’s your turn to take out the rubbish/ garbage.


Wipe off (the table) – (صاف کرنا (میز
Would you wipe off the table for me?


Scrub – رگڑ کر صاف کرنا
She scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush.


Repair – مرمت کرنا
I got my son to repair our TV.


Tighten – سخت کرنا
Can you tighten up the bolts for me?


Nail – کیل گاڑنا
Will you nail down that loose board in the floor?


Drill – سوراخ کرنا
Drill a series of holes in the frame.


Mopping – پوچھا لگانا
Sohaima was mopping the kitchen floor.

House Chores Vocabulary with Urdu meanings, House Chores in English and Urdu, House vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi

House Chores Vocabulary with Urdu meanings, House Chores in English and Urdu, House vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi

House Chores Vocabulary with Urdu meanings, House Chores in English and Urdu, House vocabulary in Urdu and Hindi

Table of Contents

House Chores List

Wash the dishes برتن دھونا
Dry (the dishes) برتن خشک کرنا
To do laundry کپڑے دھونا
To dry clothes کپڑے سکھانا
To hang clothes کپڑے لٹکانا
To iron clothes کپڑے استری کرنا
To fold clothes کپڑے تہہ کرنا
Make (the bed) بستر لگانا
Change (the sheets) چادریں (تبدیل کرنا)
To vacuum مٹی صاف کرنا
Wipe off (the table) صاف کرنا (میز)
Clear (the table) سمیٹنا (میز)
Clean (the stove) چولہے کو صاف کرنا
To clean house گھر صاف کرنا
To sweep house  گھر میں جھاڑو دینا
Mopping پوچا لگانا
To mop floor پوچا مارنا
To clean windows کھڑکیاں صاف کرنا
To dust the furniture فرنیچر کو صاف کرنا
To prepare meals کھانا تیار کرنا
Make breakfast ناشتہ بنانا
Make lunch دوپہرکا کھانا بنانا
Make dinner رات کا کھانا بنانا
To beat the rug چٹائی سے گرد نکالنا
To clean bathroom واش روم صاف کرنا
To water plants پودوں کو پانی دینا
To weed the garden گھاس پھوس صاف کرنا
Rake the leaves پتے اکٹھے کرنا
Take out the garbage/rubbish کُوڑا باہر پھینکنا
Scrub رگڑ کر صاف کرنا
Repair مرمت کرنا
Tighten سخت کرنا
Nail کیل گاڑنا
Drill سوراخ کرنا

House Chores PDF