English to Urdu Vocabulary

Hand Gestures and Signs Meanings in Urdu

Hand Gesture Emoji Meanings with Pictures in Urdu

Hand Gestures and Signs Meanings in Urdu WhatsApp and Facebook hand symbols in English and Urdu most of the people do not know the correct meanings of these emoji we use while chatting on Facebook and WhatsApp. In this lesson you will learn hand gestures and symbols meanings in English and Urdu using their pictures. We use these emoticons in our daily life when we chat with our friends but most of the people do not know the exact meanings of these emoticons and their usage in chat. Here we have a broad list symbols we use in daily life chat let us learn this lesson for improving our knowledge.

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Hand Gestures

Gestures Urdu Meanings
🙏 Folded Hands معافی مانگنے کے لیے
✍ Writing Hand پنسل سے کچھ لکھنا
🖕 Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended بد تمیزی کرنا/گالی دینا
💪 Tense Biceps طاقت دکھانا
🤙 “Call Me” Hand Sign کال کے لیے
👋 Waving Hand ہائے/ہیلو کے لیے
🖖 Mr. Spock Greeting لمبی عمر اور شوشحالی کے لیے
🖐 Raised Hand With Fingers Splayed رک جاؤ /قریب مت آؤ
🤚 Raised Back of Hand اپنی طرف متوجہ کرنا
✋ Raised Hand رک جاؤ/سوال پوچھنے کے لیے
☝ Up Pointing Index ایک چیز یا سوال پوچھنے کے لیے
👇 Back Of Hand Pointing Downwards نیچے کی طرف
👆 Back Of Hand Pointing Upwards اوپر کی طرف
👉 Back Of Hand Pointing To The Right دائیں طرف
👈 Back Of Hand Pointing To The Left بائیں طرف
👌 Ok Hand Sign ٹھیک ہے/اچھا ہے
🤘 Sign of the Horns  بد قسمتی کا نشان/جنون میں
🤟 I Love You Gesture پیار کا اظہار کرنا
✌ Victory Hand جیت / فتح کے لیے
🤞 Crossed Fingers خوش قسمتی کا اشارہ
🤜 Fist Pointing Right ملاقات /مبارکباد دیتے وقت
🤛 Fist Pointing Left ملاقات /مبارکباد دیتے وقت
✊ Raised Fist طاقت کے اظہار کے لیے/یکجہتی کے لیے
👊 Fist Hand رضامند ہونا/مارنا/دھمکی دینا
👎 Thumbs Down Sign نا پسند کرنا
👍 “Thumbs-Up” Sign پسند کرنا
🤝 Handshake ہاتھ ملانا
👏 Clapping Hands تالی بجانا
🙌 Person Raising Both Hands خوشی کا اظہار
👐 Open Hands  گلے ملنے کے لیے
🤲 Holding hands up, palms against each other دعا کرنا
🤏Pinching hand تھوڑی مقدار
🦶 Foot پاؤں
🦵 Leg ٹانگ

Hand gestures and their meanings, Hand Gestures Meanings, Hand Signs Meanings, Gestures of hand meanings, Hand Gestures meanings in Urdu, Hand gestures meanings in Hindi, Hand signs meanings in Urdu, Hand signs meanings in Hindi, Facebook and WhatsApp hand gestures meanings Hand gestures and their meanings, Hand Gestures Meanings, Hand Signs Meanings, Gestures of hand meanings, Hand Gestures meanings in Urdu, Hand gestures meanings in Hindi, Hand signs meanings in Urdu, Hand signs meanings in Hindi, Facebook and WhatsApp hand gestures meanings

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