Tenses in Urdu

Future Indefinite Tense in Urdu with Examples PDF

Future Indefinite Tense in Urdu with Examples PDF

Future Indefinite Tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future without specifying a duration. It helps express promises, decisions, predictions, and planned events. Mastering this tense improves sentence clarity and fluency. In this blog post, you will learn its structure, rules, and examples. For more lessons, visit our grammar section!

Future Indefinite Tense in Urdu

The Future Indefinite Tense is used to describe actions that will take place in the future. This tense is also called the Simple Future Tense and is often used to express decisions, predictions, promises, and offers.

(1) Affirmative Sentences (سادہ فقرات)

Subject + shall/will + base form of verb + object

📌 Note:

  • Traditionally, “shall” is used with “I” and “we”, while “will” is used with all other subjects.

  • However, in modern English, “will” is used with all subjects in both spoken and written English.

Subject Helping Verb Main Verb Object
I Shall + 1st form of verb Object  
We Shall + 1st form of verb Object  
You Will + 1st form of verb Object  
He/She/It/Azhar Will + 1st form of verb Object  
They/Boys Will + 1st form of verb Object  


  • He will go to college.
    وہ کالج جائے گا

  • She will take tea.
    وہ چائے پئیے گی

  • Ali will sing a song.
    علی گانا گائے گا

  • The teacher will punish him.
    استاد اسے سزا دے گا

  • I shall buy a book.
    میں ایک کتاب خریدوں گا

  • They will help her.
    وہ اس کی مدد کریں گے

  • Boys will fly kites.
    لڑکے پتنگیں اڑائیں گے

  • I shall learn this lesson.
    میں سبق یاد کروں گا

(2) Negative Sentences (منفی فقرات)

Subject + shall not/will not + base form of verb + object

Subject Helping Verb Main Verb Object
I Shall not + 1st form of verb Object  
We Shall not + 1st form of verb Object  
You Will not + 1st form of verb Object  
He/She/It/Azhar Will not + 1st form of verb Object  
They/Boys Will not + 1st form of verb Object  


  • He will not go to the zoo.
    وہ چڑیا گھر نہیں جائے گا

  • I shall not wait for you.
    میں آپ کا انتظار نہیں کروں گا

  • She will not reach in time.
    وہ وقت پر نہیں پہنچے گی

  • It will not rain.
    بارش نہیں ہوگی

  • He will not listen to me.
    وہ میری بات نہیں سنے گا

  • He will not go with me.
    وہ میرے ساتھ نہیں جائے گا

  • They will not waste their time.
    وہ اپنا وقت ضائع نہیں کریں گے

  • We shall not win the match.
    ہم میچ نہیں جیتیں گے

(3) Interrogative Sentences (سوالیہ فقرات)

Shall/Will + subject + base form of verb + object?

Helping Verb Subject Main Verb Object
Shall I 1st form of verb Object
Shall We 1st form of verb Object
Will You 1st form of verb Object
Will He/She/It/Azhar 1st form of verb Object
Will They/Boys 1st form of verb Object


  • Will she go to Islamabad?
    کیا وہ اسلام آباد جائے گی؟

  • Will it hail?
    کیا اولے پڑیں گے؟

  • Will she spend money?
    کیا وہ روپیہ خرچ کرے گی؟

  • Will he speak the truth?
    کیا وہ سچ بولے گا؟

  • Will they play cricket?
    کیا وہ کرکٹ کھیلیں گے؟

  • Shall I go to Murree?
    کیا میں مری جاؤں گا؟

  • Shall we go for a walk?
    کیا ہم سیر کے لیے جائیں گے؟

  • Will Iman take the examination?
    کیا ایمان امتحان دے گی؟

Uses of Future Indefinite Tense

  1. To express future actions or events:

    • I will call you tomorrow.

    • She will visit her grandmother next week.

  2. For making predictions:

    • It will rain in the evening.

    • I think he will win the race.

  3. For making promises, offers, or decisions:

    • I will help you with your homework.

    • She will return your book soon.

  4. For expressing willingness or intentions:

    • I will attend the meeting.

    • They will participate in the competition.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Wrong: I will goes to school.
Correct: I will go to school.

Wrong: She will not sings a song.
Correct: She will not sing a song.

Wrong: Will he to play cricket?
Correct: Will he play cricket?

Key Differences: “Will” vs. “Shall”

Usage Shall Will
Traditional Usage Used with I, We Used with He, She, It, You, They
Modern Usage Less common Used with all subjects
Expressing Determination “I shall not give up!” (Formal) “I will not give up!” (Common)

📌 Tip: In modern English, “will” is commonly used with all subjects, and “shall” is often replaced with “will” in spoken language.

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