English to Urdu Vocabulary

Body Movement Verbs in English and Urdu

Body Movement Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings, Body actions in Urdu and Hindi, Body movements vocabulary

Body Movement Verbs in English and Urdu get PDF book learn body movement verbs list with example sentences and meanings for improving your English vocabulary.

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Bend – جھکنا
When I bend my arm, the pain is increasing.


Lift -اٹھانا
I can’t lift this box.


Carry – لے جانا
We don’t carry a large stock of pine furniture.


Kneel – جھکنا
She asks her son to kneel down.


Hold – پکڑنا
Do not hold a candle to the devil.


Sit – بیٹھنا
The students sit in a circle on the floor.


Drag – گھسیٹنا
I don’t want to go back there and drag up that anger again.


Jump – چھلانگ لگانا
Can you jump across the stream?


Leap – اچکنا – چھلانگ لگانا
Learn to creep before you leap.


Pick up – اٹھانا
The pupil leaned to the ground to pick up a wallet.


Punch – گھونسہ مارنا
She gave him a punch on the nose.


Pull – کھینچنا
I helped him pull his boots off.


Dive – ڈوبکی لگانا
She defied him to dive off the bridge.


Push – دھکیلنا
We should push our work, the work should not push us.


Run – دوڑنا
Don’t try to run before you can walk.


Lean – جھکنا
Lean against my arm. I will support you.


Squat – ا ٹھک بیٹھک کرنا
For this exercise you need to get into a squat.


Throw – پھینکنا
They throw rubbish into rivers , too.


Tiptoe – پنجے پر چلنا
They walked across the room on tiptoe.


Walk – چلنا
After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.


Hit – مارنا
The robbers hit him over the head.


Catch – پکڑنا
Ahmad leapt up and caught the ball in one hand.


Kick – لات مارنا
Billy was kicking a ball around the yard.


Kiss – چومنا
He kissed her gently and stroked her hair.


Clap – تالیاں بجانا
You cannot clap with one hand.


Laugh – ہنسنا
Maria looked at him and laughed.


Dance – رقص کرنا
Come on, let’s dance.


Break – توڑنا
I had to break a window to get into the house.


Stand – کھڑے ہونا
She stood in the doorway.


Jog – ہلکے ہلکے چلنا
I got up early the next morning to jog.


March – احتجاجاً مارچ کرنا – احتجاجاً چلنا
We marched 50 km across the foothills.


Wave – لہرانا
Enid waved at us and we waved back.


Talk – بات کرنا
I don’t want to talk about it anymore.


Open – کھولنا
He opened the drawer of the desk.


Put down – نیچے رکھنا
He put the gift down on the table.


Stretch – کھینچنا
He stretched and yawned lazily.


Drop – گرنا
She dropped the tissue.


Point – اشارہ کرنا
He stood up and pointed his finger at me.


Slip – کهسکنا
He slipped on the ice.


Trip – تھرکنا
He tripped and fell.


Look – دیکھنا
Don’t look now.


Cry – رونا
That film always makes me cry.


Lie down- لیٹنا
I’d like to lie down for a while.


Pour – ڈالنا
Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat.


Crawl – رینگنا
I don’t like people who crawl.

Body Movement Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings, Body actions in Urdu and Hindi, Body movements vocabulary

Body Movement Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings, Body actions in Urdu and Hindi, Body movements vocabulary

Body Movement Verbs in English with Urdu Meanings, Body actions in Urdu and Hindi, Body movements vocabulary

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