English to Urdu Vocabulary

Animal Names in English with Urdu Meanings

Animal Names | Types of Animals with Urdu Meanings

When we talk about Animal Names in English with Urdu Meanings, we are learning about two languages at the same time. English has its own words for animals, and so does Urdu. Urdu is spoken by many people in places like Pakistan and India.

For example, in English, we say ‘elephant’. But in Urdu, people call it ‘hathi’ (ہاتھی). This word is not just a name. It is used in stories, sayings, and other parts of the Urdu language.

Learning Animal Names in English with Urdu Meanings is like building a bridge between two languages. It helps us understand both languages better. With the internet, more people are looking for ways to learn different languages. That’s why knowing Animal Names in Urdu is useful.

When we learn about these names, we are not just learning words. We are also learning about different cultures and how they see the world. It’s an exciting way to learn and understand more about the world around us.

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Animals Names List with Urdu Meanings

Dog کتا
Puppy کتے کا بچہ
Turtle کچهوا
Rabbit خرگوش
Parrot طوطا
Cat بلی
Kitten بلی کے بچے
Goldfish سنہری مچھلی
Mouse چوہا
Tropical fish حاری مَچھلی
Hamster ہیمسٹر(چوہے کی قسم)

Farm Animal Names

Cow گائے
Rabbit خرگوش
Duck بطخ
Shrimp کیکڑا
Pig خنزیر- سور
Goat بکرا
Crab کیکڑا
Deer ہرن
Bee شہد کی مکھی
Sheep بھیڑ
Fish مچھلی
Turkey فیل مرغ
Dove فاختہ
Chicken مرغا
Horse گھوڑا

List of Wild Animals

Monkey بندر
Panda پانڈا
Shark شارک
Zebra زیبرا
Gorilla گوریلہ
Walrus والرس
Leopard چیتا
Wolf بھیڑیا
Antelope ہرن
Bald eagle گنجا عقاب
Jellyfish جیلی فش
Crab کیکڑا
Giraffe زرافه
Woodpecker ہُدہُد
Camel اونٹ
Starfish اسٹار فش
Koala کوآلا
Alligator مگرمچھ
Owl الو
Tiger چیتا
Bear ریچھ
Blue whale نیلی وہیل
Coyote کویوٹ
Chimpanzee بن مانس
Raccoon خرسک
Lion شیر
Arctic wolf آرکٹک بھیڑیا
Crocodile مگرمچھ
Dolphin ڈالفن
Elephant ہاتھی
Squirrel گلہری
Snake سانپ
Kangaroo کینگرو
Hippopotamus دریائی گهوڑا
Elk ایلک(ہرن)
Rabbit خرگوش
Fox لومڑی
Gorilla گوریلہ
Bat چمگادڑ
Hare خرگوش
Toad مینڈک
Frog مینڈک
Deer ہرن
Rat چوہا
Badger بیجر
Lizard چھپکلی
Mole چهچهوندر
Hedgehog خارپشت
Otter اود بلاؤ
Reindeer قطبی ہرن

List of Sea, Ocean and Water Animals

Crab کیکڑا
Fish مچھلی
Seal دریائی بچهڑا
Octopus اکٹوپس
Shark شارک
Seahorse سمندری گھوڑا
Walrus برفانی شیر
Starfish اسٹار فش
Whale وہیل
Penguin پینگوئن
Jellyfish جیلی فش
Squid چارے کی مچهلی
Lobster جهینگا
Pelican گاگن بهیڑ
Shrimp کیکڑا
Oyster کستورا مچهلی
Clams کلیمیاں
Seagull سمندری بگلا
Dolphin ڈالفن
Shells سیپی
Sea urchin سمندر ارچن
Cormorant کارمورانٹ
Otter اود بلاؤ
Pelican گاگن بهیڑ
Sea anemone سمندری انیمون
Sea turtle سمندری کچھوا
Sea lion سمندری شیر
Coral مرجان