Learn adjectives and their types in English grammar with Urdu explanations. This post helps understand how adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. From quality to quantity, number, and possession, explore all types with examples for clarity.
Adjective – اسم صفت
Definition: The words that go with nouns and tell us something about them are called adjectives.
وہ لفظ جو کسی اسم یا ضمیر کی اچھائی یا برائی اور تعداد یا مقدار وغیرہ ظاہر کرے رسے اردو میں اسم صفت کہتے ہیں۔
Table of Contents
Types of Adjectives (اسم صفت کی اقسام)
Adjective of Quality (صفت ذاتی)
Definition: These adjectives describe the inherent quality, nature, or characteristic of a noun or pronoun.
- Ali is a good boy.
علی ایک اچھا لڑکا ہے۔ - He is an honest man.
وہ ایماندار آدمی ہے۔
Adjective of Quantity (صفت مقداری)
Definition: These adjectives indicate the amount or quantity of a noun without specifying the exact number.
- I have a little water.
میرے پاس تھوڑا سا پانی ہے۔ - He had enough milk.
اس کے پاس کافی دودھ ہے۔
Adjective of Number (صفت عددی)
Definition: These adjectives express the exact number of nouns or their position in order.
- I have six rupees.
میرے پاس چھ روپے ہیں۔ - Three books are on the table.
میز پر تین کتابیں ہیں۔
Demonstrative Adjective (صفت اشارہ)
Definition: These adjectives point out specific nouns in a sentence.
- This is my chair.
یہ میری کرسی ہے۔ - That is her house.
وہ اس کا گھر ہے۔ - These are our books.
یہ ہماری کتابیں ہیں۔ - These are your pens.
یہ تمہارے قلم ہیں۔
Possessive Adjective (صفت ملکیت)
Definition: These adjectives show ownership or possession of a noun.
- This is my book.
یہ میری کتاب ہے۔ - That is your pen.
وہ تمہارا قلم ہے۔ - These are our balls.
یہ ہماری گیندیں ہیں۔ - Those are their dolls.
وہ ان کی گڑیاں ہیں۔
Degrees of Adjective (صفت کے درجے)
Positive Degree (تفصیل نفسی)
Definition: This degree simply describes a noun without any comparison.
- Ali is a good boy.
علی ایک اچھا لڑکا ہے۔
Comparative Degree (تفصیل بعض)
Definition: This degree compares two nouns to show which has more or less of a quality.
- Ali is better than Anwar.
علی انور سے بہتر ہے۔
Superlative Degree (تفصیل کل)
Definition: This degree compares three or more nouns, identifying one as the highest or lowest in quality.
- Ali is the best of all the boys.
علی سب لڑکوں سے اچھا ہے۔
Degrees of Adjective with meanings
Positive Degree |
معنی |
Comparative Degree | Superlative Degree |
Able | قابل | Abler | Ablest |
Big | بڑا | Bigger | Biggest |
Bold | بہادر | Bolder | Boldest |
Brave | حوصلہ مند، بہادر | Braver | Bravest |
Bright | چمکدار | Brighter | Brightest |
Cheap | سستا | Cheaper | Cheapest |
Clean | صاف | Cleaner | Cleanest |
Cold | ٹھنڈا، سرد | Colder | Coldest |
Cool | ٹھنڈا | Cooler | Coolest |
Dark | تاریک | Darker | Darkest |
Dry | خشک | Drier | Driest |
Dirty | گندا | Dirtier | Dirtiest |
Deep | گہرا | Deeper | Deepest |
Easy | آسان | Easier | Easiest |
Early | سویرے | Earlier | Earliest |
Far | دور | Farther | Farthest |
Fit | موزوں | Fitter | Fittest |
Fine | عمدہ | Finer | Finest |
Great | بڑا | Greater | Greatest |
Happy | خوشی | Happier | Happiest |
Hard | سخت | Harder | Hardest |
Heavy | بھاری | Heavier | Heaviest |
High | اونچا | Higher | Highest |
Hot | گرم | Hotter | Hottest |
Kind | مہربان | Kinder | Kindest |
Large | بڑا | Larger | Largest |
Late | دیر | Later | Latest |
Light | ہلکا | Lighter | Lightest |
Low | نیچا | Lower | Lowest |
Long | لمبا | Longer | Longest |
Loud | بلند | Louder | Loudest |
New | نیا | Newer | Newest |
Near | نزدیک | Nearer | Nearest |
Nice | عمدہ | Nicer | Nicest |
Noble | شریف | Nobler | Noblest |
Old | پرانا | Older | Oldest |
Poor | غریب | Poorer | Poorest |
Proud | مغرور | Prouder | Proudest |
Quick | تیز(رفتار میں) | Quicker | Quickest |
Rich | امیر | Richer | Richest |
Sad | اداس، غمگین | Sadder | Saddest |
Safe | محفوط | Safer | Safest |
Sharp | تیز(دھار میں) | Sharper | Sharpest |
Small | چھوٹا | Smaller | Smallest |
Smooth | ہموار، صاف | Smoother | Smoothest |
Soft | نرم | Softer | Softest |
Strong | مضبوط | Stronger | Strongest |
Sweet | میٹھا | Sweeter | Sweetest |
Tall | لمبا | Taller | Tallest |
Thick | موٹا | Thicker | Thickest |
Ugly | بد صورت | Uglier | Ugliest |
Weak | کمزور | Weaker | Weakest |
Wide | فراخ، کھلا | Wider | Widest |
Wise | عقل مند | Wiser | Wisest |
Young | چھوٹا | Younger | Youngest |
Positive Degree |
معنی |
Comparative Degree |
Superlative Degree |
Honest | ایماندار | More honest | Most honest |
Useful | مفید | More useful | Most useful |
Difficult | مشکل | More difficult | Most difficult |
Proper | مکمل | More proper | Most proper |
Beautiful | خوبصورت | More Beautiful | Most Beautiful |
درج ذیل اسم صفت پر کوئی اصول لاگو نہیں ہوتا۔
Positive Degree |
معنی |
Comparative Degree |
Superlative Degree |
Good/well | اچھا | Better | Best |
Bad/Evil | برا | Worse | Worst |
Much | زیادہ(مقدار) | More | Most |
Many | بہت | More | Most |
Little | تھوڑا | Less | Least |
Fore | پہلے | Former | Foremost |
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