Active and Passive Voice English Grammar

Active and Passive Voice Rules in Urdu with Examples

Active and Passive Voice Rules in Urdu with Examples learn basic rules and methods of formation of active voice and passive sentences using examples in Urdu.

Mastering active and passive voice is essential for improving sentence clarity and structure. In active voice, the subject performs the action, while in passive voice, the focus shifts to the object receiving the action. Understanding these rules helps in writing better sentences in both English and Urdu. In this blog post, we will break down the key rules, formulas, and examples to make learning easier.

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Active and Passive Voice Rules

What is Active Voice?

In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb. It makes sentences clear, direct, and concise. Active voice is commonly used in everyday speech and writing because it is easier to understand.

🔹 Example:

  • She wrote a letter.
    (Subject: She, Verb: wrote, Object: a letter)

In this sentence, “She” (subject) is doing the action “wrote” to the object “a letter.”

Active and passive voice in Urdu

What is Passive Voice?

In passive voice, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject, and the action is performed on it rather than by it. The doer of the action (agent) is either mentioned later using “by” or omitted if it’s not important.

🔹 Example:

  • A letter was written by her.
    (Subject: A letter, Verb: was written, Agent: by her)

In this sentence, “A letter” (object in active voice) becomes the subject, and “was written” (passive verb) indicates the action received by it.

Active passive voice examples in Urdu

Here the question rises that how we can identify the passive voice sentences in English. we use the following verbs in place of verb “Be”.

Be, is, am ,are, was, were, been, being.

Active and Passive Voice Rules in Urdu – Easy Guide
Active and Passive Voice in Urdu – Grammar Rules & Tips

Look at the picture for further explanation.

Active and passive sentences bnaany ka tareeka

Conversion Rules:

  1. Identify the Object in the active sentence and place it at the beginning.
  2. Use the correct form of “to be” (is, am, are, was, were, been, being) according to the tense.
  3. Use the past participle (3rd form) of the verb.
  4. Add “by” before the subject (if needed).


He writes a letter. (Active)
A letter is written by him. (Passive)

She sang a song. (Active)
A song was sung by her. (Passive)

They will complete the project. (Active)
The project will be completed by them. (Passive)

📌 Look at the picture for further explanation.

Formation of active and passive voice in Urdu

Changes in Helping Verbs

Active VoicePassive Voice
is , am, areis being , am being, are being
Has, havehas been, have been
was, werewas being, were being
will, shallwill be, shall be
will havewill have been
shall haveshall have been
cancan be
couldcould be
maymay be
mightmight be
shouldshould be

Important Changes in Pronouns

Active VoicePassive Voice
Learn active passive voice formation rules in Urdu

Formation of Passive voice sentences

There are four steps for making passive voice sentences using active voice.

Step 1 

Place the Object of active voice sentence in place of passive voice subject and Place the subject of active voice sentence in place of passive voice Object.

Step 2

Changes in Helping verbs.

Active and passive rules in Urdu

Step 3

Changes in Subjects.

Active passive formation methods in Urdu

Step 4

Use of Forms of verb

Active passive basic rules in Urdu

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