This blog post provides 150 commonly used English proverbs with Urdu meanings and translations, perfect for helping you understand proverbs used in daily conversations. Each proverb is explained in simple language, which makes it easier for students and anyone who loves learning languages. The Urdu meanings add a cultural context that makes your learning experience richer. You can also download the full list in a free PDF, making it convenient for studying anytime and sharing with friends who are interested in learning English proverbs with Urdu meanings.
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Proverbs Video Lesson

Proverbs are simple sayings that convey wisdom or practical advice in an easy-to-remember format. Learning these proverbs is a great way to improve your understanding of English and also gain insight into common expressions. Below are 150 popular English proverbs along with their Urdu translations and explanations.
Common English Proverbs with Urdu Meanings
Proverbs can be grouped into different categories based on their meanings and themes. Below, we have categorized the proverbs into relevant groups, making it easier for you to understand and learn.
Wisdom and Life Lesson Provebs
These proverbs convey life lessons and wisdom passed down through generations.
English Proverb | Urdu Translation | Explanation |
As you sow so shall you reap | جیسی کرنی ویسی بھرنی | You get results based on your actions. |
Where there’s a will, there’s a way | جہاں چاہ وہاں رہ | Determination leads to success. |
Cut your coat according to your cloth | جتنی چادر ہو اتنا پیر پھیلاو | Live within your means. |
Once bitten twice shy | دودھ کا جلا چھاچھ بھی پھونک کر پیتا ہے | Bad experiences make one cautious. |
Necessity is the mother of invention | ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے | Need drives creativity and innovation. |
All’s well that ends well | انتھ بھلا تو سب بھلا | If the outcome is good, everything is good. |
Human Nature and Behavior
These proverbs describe human emotions, behaviors, and characteristics, providing insight into human nature through these English proverbs with Urdu meanings.
English Proverb | Urdu Translation | Explanation |
A poor worker blames his tools | ناچ نہ جانے آنگھن ٹیڑھا | Blaming others for one’s own mistakes. |
Empty vessels make more noise | کھوٹا چھنا باجے گھنا | People with less knowledge are often the loudest. |
Birds of the same feather flock together | چور چور مسیرے بھائی | Similar people tend to group together. |
Barking dogs seldom bite | جو گرجتے ہیں وہ برستے نہیں | People who make threats rarely act on them. |
A wolf in lamb’s clothing | بغل میں چھری منہ پے رام رام | Someone pretending to be innocent while being dangerous. |
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing | نیم حکیم خطرہ جان | Partial knowledge can lead to problems. |
Opportunity and Decision Making
These proverbs emphasize the importance of decision making and seizing opportunities.
English Proverb | Urdu Translation | Explanation |
To use the available opportunity | بہتی گنگا میں ہاتھ دھونا | Take advantage of opportunities when they arise. |
Two hunts with one arrow | ایک تیر سے دو شکار | Achieve two goals with one action. |
Diamonds cut diamonds | لوہا لوہے کو کاٹتا ہے | Only a person of equal skill can match another. |
Drowning man catches at straw | ڈوبتے کو تنکے کا سہارا | In desperation, one clings to anything. |
Watch the oil and watch it pour | تیل دیکھو تیل کی دھار دیکھو | Pay close attention to details. |
Do not put all your eggs in one basket | سارے انڈے ایک ہی ٹوکری میں مت رکھو | Don’t risk everything on one venture. |
Honesty and Integrity
These proverbs focus on honesty, integrity, and fairness. They highlight key English proverbs with Urdu meanings to make understanding easier.
English Proverb | Urdu Translation | Explanation |
Pure gold does not fear the flame | سانچ کو آنچ نہیں | Truth and honesty stand up to scrutiny. |
Evidence does not need proof | ہاتھ کنگن کو آرسی کیا | Obvious things do not require explanation. |
Milk of milk, Water of water | دودھ کا دودھ پانی کا پانی | Fairness and transparency in judgment. |
A figure among cyphers | اندھوں میں کانا راجہ | Someone standing out among the ordinary. |
God helps those who help themselves | ہمت مرداں مددِ خُدا | Taking initiative invites divine support. |
Do good & cast into the river | نیکی کر دریا میں ڈال | Do good without expecting anything in return. |
Warnings and Caution
These proverbs offer advice on being cautious in life.
English Proverb | Urdu Translation | Explanation |
Between the devil and the deep-sea | آگے کنواں پیچھے کھائی | Facing two difficult choices. |
Rubbing salt on one’s wound | جلے پر نمک چھڑکنا | Making someone’s pain worse. |
Hard nut to crack | لوہے کے چنے چبانا | A difficult problem to solve. |
A drop in the Ocean | اونٹ کے منہ میں زیرا | Something very small in comparison to what is needed. |
No use crying over spilt milk | اب پچھتائے کیا، جب چڑیاں چگ گئیں کھیت | Regretting the past serves no purpose. |
A little Knowledge is a dangerous thing | نیم حکیم خطرہ جان | Beware of people with incomplete knowledge. |
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This PDF book includes all 150 proverbs with Urdu translations, categorized for easier understanding, making it ideal for those looking to understand commonly used proverbs in both languages.
Learning these English proverbs with Urdu translations is a great way to enhance your language skills and understand common expressions used in daily life. Feel free to download the PDF and keep practicing!
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