English to Urdu Vocabulary

Social Media Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings

Social Media Vocabulary with Urdu and Hindi Meanings

Understanding social media vocabulary is essential in today’s digital world. Whether you’re chatting on WhatsApp, posting on Instagram, or commenting on Facebook, knowing the right words helps you communicate effectively. Many English terms are commonly used, but their meanings can be confusing for Urdu speakers. In this blog post, we will cover essential social media terms with Urdu meanings to help you express yourself confidently online.

Want to learn more useful words? Explore our English to Urdu vocabulary for better communication!

Social Media Vocabulary Video

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Social Media Vocabulary

This is the era of social media and internet and you might be missing some important vocabulary words which are of core importance to know. Yes, chatting is another thing which you can do more comfortably after knowing these acronyms and abbreviations.

Social Media Abbreviations

LOLLaugh Out Loudزور زور سے ہنسنا
BTWBy The Wayویسے
OMGOh My Godاوہ میرے خدایا
IDKI don’t Knowمجھے نہیں پتا
FYIFor Your Informationآپ کی اطلاع کےلیے
ILYI Love Youمجھے تم سے پیار ہے
IDCI don’t Careمجھے پرواہ نہیں
FAQFrequently Asked Questionsاکثر پوچھے گئے سوالات
HBDHappy Birthdayسالگرہ مبارک
Social Media Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings – Learn essential English terms used online with Urdu translations.
Social Media Vocabulary with Urdu Meanings – Master essential online terms with easy Urdu translations.

Social Media Terms and Words

Trollٹرولغصہ دلانے والا میسج کرنا
Clickbaitکلِک بیٹکلک کروانے کےلیے بڑی بڑی باتیں
Memeمِیممزاحیہ تصویر
Viralوائرلتیزی سے پھیلنا
Tagٹَیگجوڑنا، شامل کرنا
Trendingٹرینڈِنگعروج پر
Anonymousانا نِمساجنبی
Reactری ایکٹرد عمل دینا
SMMSocial Media Marketingسوشل میڈیا پر خریدوفروخت
SMOSocial Media Optimizationسوشل میڈیا پر کاروبار کو زیادہ بہتر اور زیادہ لوگوں تک پہنچانے کا عمل

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