Understanding money-related terms is essential for daily conversations and financial transactions. Many English learners struggle to grasp different types of money, making it difficult to communicate in banks, markets, or while traveling. This blog post will help you learn common money-related words with Urdu meanings, improving your financial vocabulary. From cash to digital payments, knowing these terms enhances your ability to handle money efficiently. Expand your knowledge and boost your confidence in financial discussions. Explore more useful words in our English to Urdu vocabulary.

Common Types of Money

WordUrdu MeaningEnglish MeaningExample Sentence
BribeرشوتIllegally received for a serviceTaking a bribe is a crime in many countries.
AidامدادTo help or supportThe organization provides aid to poor families.
WageمزدوریPayment for a day workerDaily laborers earn their wage at the end of the day.
LoanادھارBorrowed from a bankI took a loan to buy a new house.
SalaryتنخواہEmployer gives youShe gets her salary on the first of every month.
AllowanceوظیفہYou give to your childrenMy father gives me a monthly allowance for expenses.
FineجرمانہMoney extracted as a penaltyHe had to pay a fine for breaking the traffic rules.
RansomتاوانPaid to a kidnapperThe kidnappers demanded a huge ransom for his release.
Alimonyطلاق کے بعد کا خرچMoney paid in case of a divorceHe was ordered by the court to pay alimony to his ex-wife.
TaxمحصولCharge for the service of governmentEveryone must pay income tax every year.
Pensionسالانہ یا ماہانہ وظیفہPost-retirement paymentAfter retirement, he started receiving his pension.
DebtقرضWhen you owe moneyHe is struggling to repay his debt.
FeeفیسPayment at a school or collegeThe school fee must be paid before the 10th of every month.
DonationچندہGiven at a mosque, temple, or churchShe gave a donation to the orphanage.
Tipخدمت کا انجامMoney offered for a serviceHe left a generous tip for the waiter.

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